关于菠菜网lol正规平台 202年春季口罩政策的更新2

发送: 2022年4月11日


It's hard to believe that commencement is only six weeks away. 在球门线上 clearly in sight, we've reached a decision to continue our indoor mask policy through 学期结束(5月27日). 

This news may come as a disappointment to some and as reassurance to many others. Since the pandemic's arrival in the US early in 2020, we've had to rely on remote 在这两年的大部分时间里接受指导. 想上校内大学的学生 experience instead had to study at home and thousands of graduates had to delay -- or miss altogether -- the opportunity to walk across the stage to collect a hard-earned 文凭. Even as recently as this semester, we had to delay resuming in-person instruction because COVID-19 variants caused another spike in infections and hospitalizations. 

We know in-person commencement ceremonies are a treasured experience, not only for the graduates but also their families and friends who attend. 我们最直接的路径 to reaching this goal is by maintaining the practices that have kept us safe. 你 can see evidence of the effectiveness of masks when you compare the 阳性率为圣克拉拉县,现在是1.8%的0次方.5% positivity rate for our early post-break testing results 在校园. By maintaining a steady course, we can proceed with in-person commencement ceremonies and have more confidence that family members who are elderly, immunocompromised or too young for vaccination are not unduly exposed to risk when they attend.

The path through this pandemic has been long and unpredictable. 我们将继续 provide testing and booster clinics to spot any outbreaks early and strengthen our 对病毒的抵抗力. Please continue wearing masks indoors and outdoors when in 与他人亲密接触. 

Thank you for your patience and cooperation in keeping fellow Spartans safe.

