You Got a Degree in Computer 科学, Now What?


Every year, thousands of computer scientists turn up in 硅谷 to seek their 《菠菜网lol正规平台》杂志. Many find their dream jobs, others find disappointment. 你怎么能成为其中一员呢 of the lucky few to take part in this new gold rush?

在这个演讲中, 坦尼娅Lindermeier, will explain how she was able to find her career in 硅谷. Not only, do you have to learn the right skills, you need to tell your story using the tools available and get your profile into the right hands and in front of the 右眼.


坦尼娅Lindermeier founded topgirlcoder, a community that empowers women in technology to connect, discover, and collaborate. Through topgirlcoder, women have connected to opportunities and 一个 another in San Francisco and 硅谷.

In addition to leading topgirlcoder, Tanya is also a software engineer at ARRIS and formerly was a developer mentor at Dev BootCamp in San Francisco. 她学的是计算机 science and engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder.


April 9, 2019 @ 1:20PM in MH 225