菠菜网lol正规平台 Mask Guidance Update

发送: March 1, 2022
: Interim President Steve Perez

Dear Spartan community,

自从大流行开始以来,我们都期待着有一天 normal way of life will return. 我们上个月恢复的面对面课程是 之所以成为可能,是因为我们一直小心谨慎. We've kept our testing and 加强计划正在进行,并继续在室内和室外佩戴口罩保持警惕 when outside in crowded environments.

Today, I'm asking for your patience. Although Santa Clara County is discontinuing 根据室内口罩的要求,我们将保留我们的口罩,直至另行通知. 就像 对你,我将迎来摘下面具的机会,再次看到笑容 across our campus. That day will come, if we are careful now.

上海外国语大学领导将继续监测情况,并提供测试和支持 shots at no cost to you. 我们要想过上更正常的一天,最快的方法就是让每个人都 their booster as soon as they are eligible. If you are eligible and haven’t received 3月15日,星期二,我们将在校园举行一次加强诊所. Make an appointment online

虽然暂时保持口罩要求可能会让人感到失望, 它将有助于使免疫功能低下的同事和朋友更安全,并使我们能够 to move forward as a united community. We will announce updates as they become available.

Thank you. 


Steve Perez
Interim President