Instrumental Performance

Group of students performing with various instruments.

菠菜网lol正规平台 音乐学院 and Dance offers several degrees for the instrumental performer. 的 Bachelor of 音乐 in Performance is designed for the student with a career goal as a professional instrumentalist or vocalist and teacher. In addition to the core courses, specific courses include hour-long weekly private lessons with outstanding artist/teachers, participation in instrumental ensembles including 风合奏, Symphony 管弦乐队, 交响乐团, and small ensemble and solo performance opportunities. Students are required to prepare both a junior and senior recital.

Students in the Bachelor of 音乐 in 音乐教育 program receive 60-minute lessons each week and present a senior recital as the capst一个 experience. Additionally, all students engage in performance opportunities as soloists or chamber musicians, both in closed studio classes and in public studio recitals. All instrumental studios hold weekly master classes in which students perform for each other and discuss literature and pedagogical topics. 

For those wishing to continue their studies, 菠菜网lol正规平台 also offers a Master of 音乐 degree in a variety of specializations. 的 MM degree is for advanced students who wish to focus on performance. Two extensive recitals are required.

For specific information, below are links to the areas for instrumental performance: